1. Intake/ Interview
During the intake interview, you will receive survey forms for us that you hand in before your training. We assess the points of attention within your company in terms of communication and cooperation.
2. Company Visit
After the intake interview, Olav Muurmans will visit your company. The workplace is assessed by him on the basis of materials, colours, design and sound. You will receive advice on the spot based on these observations and through clairvoyant observations.
3. Program Compilation
The completed survey forms are analysed. In a second meeting, we will discuss the points of attention and the learning objectives that result from this. We also immediately make a proposal about how we want to work with your team during the 2-day Program. You test the learning objectives, you can add extra points of attention and you can indicate which learning objective have priority for you. Then we create a tailor made 2- day program for you.
4. 2-Day Training
In each training, at least attention is paid to a number of fixed component such as meditation and relaxation techniques. Personal development advice etc. Within each training we determine alongside you what the learning objectives are These are elaborated on the basis of role plays, interactions and all kinds of specially selected exercise The basis for the trajectory of this training is provided by Olav Muurmans.
5. Evaluation
After 4 weeks an evaluation will be given again in order to evaluate if the team Program has had its desired effect. This training will be assessed on location.